Action washi tubes

I've been collecting Action washi since 2014. And I'm now proud to say that I have about 3 drawers full of washi. Most of which is from the Action store. They are cheap; usually packaged per 3 tapes (or 7 smaller ones) and priced at €0,79. Each tape has approximately 3 meters (3.28 yards) on it. The quality has mostly been decent in my experience. I only had a few bad ones! So it's definitely a favourite of mine. Cute designs, affordable, there are new collections several times a year, what's not to like?

I'm in several planner groups on Facebook, one of them is the Dutch Planners group. And last week someone posted a photo of new washi tubes at Action! They have never had these before, and with my experience with the MIchael's Recollections washi tubes I was so eager to get to the Action and buy them! But I was a tad afraid they would run out fast. This happened for many people who visited their stores, which were already sold out.

But today I went to Action with my boys. Seth is also a planner nerd like myself, so he wanted new washi as well. At first I was afraid we would return home empty handed. But as it turned out, they had just about enough to get all 4 tubes twice (one set for me, and one for Seth). They are so cute!

Compared to Michael's washi there isn't that much tape on the rolls, but then again, it's a LOT cheaper than the Recollections tubes. These tubes at Action are priced at just €1,88! I have four tubes of washi for less than one single tube from Michael's.

In the next few weeks I'll be decorating my planner with these new washi tapes, and I'll share the results here on the blog! Stay tuned!

Rosie loves way too many things; games, crafting, drawing, painting, design, sewing plushies, planners, music, movies, series. On this blog she shares her creations and other snapshots of stuff she likes.

You might know Rosie from her Twitch channels RosieSoCosy (English) / Rosiewosie (Dutch), her YouTube channels, her planner shop Retro Hugs, or perhaps SimsNetwork, her Sims fansite she started back in 2000.