Michael's Recollections Washi Tape
Michael's Recollections Washi Tape

If you know me, you probably know that I recently got married to the love of my life. Our Honeymoon was in San Francisco, California.

Now it wasn't our first time in San Francisco. But it was our first time visiting Michael's! Usually whenever we visited San Francisco together, we didn't have time or the means to get to any areas with craft stores. This time though it was one of the things on my bucketlist haha. I *had* to visit a Michael's. Another thing on my bucketlist was to visit a craft store with Lawn Fawn clear stamps. You can read more about that here.

We already had an eventful day at Electronic Arts, followed by dinner at Amici's in Redwood City. We had to go to Best Buy to pick up a Chromebook for our brother in law. And finally, with only about 15 minutes until closing time, I finally entered Michael's! I walked around in panic and excitement. Where to begin? Sooooo many awesome things! So little to spend (honeymoons are expensive, even more so in the Bay Area). But I ended up getting three tubes of Recollections washi!

I got the Recollections Enchanting Mermaid washi, Recollections Enchanting Unicorn washi, and the Recollections Uptown Chic washi!

As you can probably see in the pic above, I was very happy! I was even more happy when I discovered that the tubes I picked were all on sale. I think I got about 50% off, such a good deal!

Now, looking back months after visiting Michael's, I can only say one thing. Either Michael's needs to open up stores in Europe (but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon, if ever) or I need to fly back (also very unlikely to happen within the next few years). A third option would be to find a planner buddy in the US I can exchange goodies with. I mean, I know plenty of international planner folks love the washi from Action and HEMA for example. Who knows?

In the meantime, I'll be over here worshipping the few Recollections washi tubes I have, and I'll continue to drool over new Recollections washi. xD

I'll show some of my planner spreads using these washi collections soon!

Rosie loves way too many things; games, crafting, drawing, painting, design, sewing plushies, planners, music, movies, series. On this blog she shares her creations and other snapshots of stuff she likes.

You might know Rosie from her Twitch channels RosieSoCosy (English) / Rosiewosie (Dutch), her YouTube channels, her planner shop Retro Hugs, or perhaps SimsNetwork, her Sims fansite she started back in 2000.