
I recently merged Retro Hugs with RosieSoCosy, which means there are still some things not fully functional, but I'm working hard on fixing everything.

Weekly Spread (ECLP) #48

Weekly Spread (ECLP) #48

I still mostly use washi in all my planners, including my ECLP (Erin Condren Life Planner). I've used floral washi from Action. Next week is Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas) themed, and every week after that has a winter or Christmas theme. So I thought it would be nice to use something non-Christmassy for this week. I am really excited for Christmas, but I'm not quite there yet.

Rosie loves way too many things; games, crafting, drawing, painting, design, sewing plushies, planners, music, movies, series. On this blog she shares her creations and other snapshots of stuff she likes.

You might know Rosie from her Twitch channels RosieSoCosy (English) / Rosiewosie (Dutch), her YouTube channels, her planner shop Retro Hugs, or perhaps SimsNetwork, her Sims fansite she started back in 2000.